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- Prof. F. Ishikawa, Hokkaido University (Japan)

- Prof. S. Zhao and Prof. Z. Mi, Mc Gill University (Canada)

- Prof. H. Tan and Prof. C. Jagadish, Australian National University (Australia)

- Prof. A. Fontcuberta i Morral, EPFL (Switzerland)

- Prof. L. Sorba, Dr. V. Zannier, CNR nano and Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy)

- Dr. S. Rubini, CNR Tasc (Italy)

- Prof. A. Sanchez, Warwick University (UK)

- Dr. R. Rurali, ICMAB (Spain)

- Prof. I. Zardo, University of Basel (Switzerland)

- Prof. A. Polimeni and Prof. M. Felici, Sapienza University (Italy)


GROUNDS: Growth and optical studies of tunable quantum dots and superlattices in semiconductor nanowires

HELIOS: Bright telecom-band single photon sources in bottom-up nanowire waveguides

Development of single photon quantum states based on quantum dots operating at different wavelengths


NANOWHYR: Dots-in-NANOWires by near-field illumination: novel single-photon sources for HYbRid quantum photonic circuits

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